About Me

Live Your Travel Dreams

Close your eyes and take me on a journey to your favorite travel destination. 

So who am I.... I'm Veronica Cheers. Welcome to my travel blog. I'm a Travel Specialist and adventure seeker. My goal is to help those who seek adventures create memorable experience through travel. I've always had a love for travel and adventure. I remember being in the back seat of my grandmother's oldsmobile as she would transport people from one city to the other for medical treatments. It was always so exciting to see the beauty of the big city but also the peace of those long country roads. I took my first real flight with college friends to Las Vegas and from there the adventures continued. Its like I knew that travel was going to be my peace and I want others to have those same experiences. I have been in the travel industry since 2018 and have visited some amazing places both foreign and domestic. 

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You can contact me at info@dreambreathetravels.com

Feel free to connect with me on Instagram @dreambreathetravels  or on Facebook Dream Breathe Travels .

Thank you for visiting dream breathe travels and my little piece of this social media world. It is my hope that I have provided some level of value to you and helped you to on your journey towards living your travel dreams.